Reflections change
Woman & Vanity
The first painting was named 'Reflections change'. I chose this title as, many a times in my life I had to laugh when I intend to cry. The reflection was a camouflage in this case. Of course, this 'false-face' helps a lot in many instances. Hope many of you would agree with me on this :). The second one which I titled 'Woman & Vanity' is much of flaunting of an image which is true to the reflection of the persona. The former being a neutral figure I chose a woman for the latter. Afterall, vanity is predominantly a woman's forte but camouflaged reflections are not bound to any gender. Of course a woman's vanity is not only confined to her 'flauting showiness' but also to her love, compassion and many more virtues.. Hope that justified the title for the post ;)